Myanmar will submit EITI report

            Next month Myanmar will submit its first EITI report revealing information on its extractive industries in order to be accepted as a compliant member of the international Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. EITI is the global standard for transparency on natural resource governance. Myanmar was approved as the 45th candidate country at the EITI board meeting in July 2014. The report will contain information received from 13 oil and gas companies, 30 gems companies and 11 companies of the mining sector. An EITI report reflects transparency in extractive industries and it will become possible through this report to track the income from extractive industries and the purposes for which the income has been used thereby lessening the chances for corruption, money laundering and tax evasion in the extractive industries. The extractive industries of Myanmar fetched 40 per cent of the country’s export income in the fiscal year 2014.

               As part of the EITI process, some government departments will have to be restructured and the public financial management and the tax system has to be reformed. The opening of the Treasury Department and the Large Tax Prayers Office in 2014 was part of these reforms. The report is being prepared through cooperation between the government and civil organizations and it is important that the report reflects the true situation in the extractive industries of Myanmar.

10thDecember, 2015

News and Events

Investment Forum 2015 : Investment Opportunities in Special Economic Zones (SEZs), other Economic Zones and Industrial Parks

10 – 11 March 2015
Nay Pyi Taw. Myanmar

Concept for the Conference & Background

Myanmar is poised for unprecedented growth and prosperity as it joins the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. As the results of the Reform measures undertaken by the new Government since 2012 comes into fruition, the country is ready to reengage with the regional and global community. Myanmar sits at the heart of the fastest growing region in the world with China and India at its door steps. The strategic location of the country bodes well of not only for its future but for the Region and beyond.

One of the strategic initiative taken by the Government is the establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Industrial Zones. These will be the nexus of economic drivers for growth and development. At present three SEZs have been designated – one close to Yangon the commercial capital of Myanmar, another in Dawei in the South of the country with direct access to Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam and the final one in the South West with overland links to Kunming in China. Industrial Zones have also been opened in many parts of the country. It is hoped that the SEZs and the Industrial Zones will be attractive to Foreign Investors looking for new and profitable opportunities.

The Myanmar Investment Forum is the inaugural forum organized by the Myanmar Investors Development Association (MIDA). The focus of the Forum is to bring together leading Government officials and Representatives of local and international business to explore and discuss possible investment opportunities in Myanmar. The Forum will provide networking opportunities for both domestic and international participants.

Investment Forum 2015 : Investment Opportunities in Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Other Economic Zones and
Industrial Parks

10 – 11 March 2015
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

              MICC I


Agenda (Draft)
DAY ONE      :   10 March 2015
VENUE     :   Myanmar International Convention Centre 2 (MICC I) , Nay Pyi Taw
08:30am Registration

Opening Ceremony

Welcoming Address by U Khin Mg Aye, Chairman, Myanmar Investors Development Association (MIDA)

Key Note Address by VVIP

10:00-10:30 Coffee  Break

Myanmar Economic Reforms:

H.E. U Soe Thane
Union Minister
President’s Office

11:00-11:30 Promoting Private Sector Development:
H.E. Union Minister U Tin NaingThein, President’s Office

Overview of the Forum



Thilawa SEZ: Opportunities for Foreign Investors
Panel Discussion


U Set Aung, Chairman, Thilawa SEZ
U Win Aung, Chairman, UMFCCI

2 others to be determined


13:15-14:15 Lunch Break

Myanmar Investment Landscape

U Aung NaingOo, Secretary, Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC)


Dawei SEZ: Opportunities for Foreign Investors

Panel Disccussion


Chairman, Dawei SEZ

3 others to be determined

Moderator: U ThaungTun, Vice President, MIDA
(Coffee will be served during the session)


Myanmar’s Opportunities in Trade and Investment

Country Director in Myanmar, World Bank, IFC


DAY TWO       11 March 2015
Venue                Myanmar International Convention Centre 2 (MICC I) , Nay Pyi Taw

Seizing Opportunities in AEC

 H.E. Prof.Dr. S. Sathirathai
 Former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Thailand, Chairman, Asian Peace and Reconciliation (APRC)


KyaukPhyu SEZ: Opportunities for Foreign Investors

Panel Discussion

Dr. Mya Han, Chairman, Dawei SEZ

3 others to be determined

Moderator: DawKhineKhineNwe, Joint Secretary, UMFCCI

11:30-12:00 COFFEE BREAK

Industrial Zones: Opportunities for Foreign Investors

Panel Discussion

U Aung Win Khine, Mandalay

U Myat Thin Aung, EC, UMFCCI

2 other Panelists to de determined

Moderator: H.E. U Kyaw Tint Swe, Vice Chairman, Hanthawaddy Public Co., Ltd. & Executive Board MIDA

13:30-14:30   LUNCH BREAK

Industrial Zones in Border Areas: Opportunities for Foreign Investors

Panel Discussion

U KyawKyaw Win, Chairman, Muse CBD

3 Panelists to de determined

Moderator: Dr. Mg Mg Lay, Vice Chairman, UMFCCI


Closing Ceremony

Address by VVIP

Closing Remarks by U Khin Mg Aye, Chairman MIDA